
our favorite park

We have a playground near us that we love. The kids love playing there and Cameron and I even have fun. There are about 10 different theme playhouses. Each is two stories high with different things to do inside. Some even have speakers in them, so that every time you go into one it plays music or has the "noises" of that house. It has elevated walkways that lead to the top floor of the houses and slides and ramps to get down. Whatever you think would be fun for a playground, this place has it. Picnic tables with a chess board on it - has it. That super squishy ground so when they want to jump off the swings they can't get hurt - has it. Miniature golf - has it. Sand and water to play in - yep, it has it. It has been one of the places that we go during the week to pass the time of summer.


The Quist Family said...

That is probally the nicest park I have ever seen! No wonder it's your favorite. My kids would love that too!

Sydney said...

I saw this park on The Today Show. They did a piece on the women that made it possible for their handicapped children. Looks like lots of fun!

lexi said...

Hi, I'm sorry I'm not a blog stalker, I found your site from Jen Dorman's blog and have to know what the name of that park is. It is so cute.