

I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween. I love the excitement of the night of trick-or-treating, but I hate the prep work just to get out the door. And then I really don't like the asking for candy every 2 minutes for the next 3 months. When you have 4 kids, all trick-or-treating, you kind of make a haul.

Funny story. Coleman wanted to be a storm trooper. We were going to make it, but ran out of time. We had a friend that said they had a costume they weren't using, so we went with that. Plus we already had the helmet. He goes to put it on and freaks out. We finally figured out that the helmet was from Star Wars 4 and the suit was from Star Wars 2. (or something like that) The helmet and the suit didn't match up to what movies they were from. Completely ridiculous! So he switched seconds before we were walking out the door to Darth Vader, which we already had.

Zack was death. Cameron whipped that one together for me. He even sewed the costume!

Riley and Maren were witch princesses. Maren is very specific about that. I made their skirts and their brooms. Can we say extreme? Yep! I only got this one picture of Maren that night, so I had to take them out and get more. They were pretty cute!

By the end of the night, everyone was freezing. Zack and Coleman were done. Maren didn't care either way, she could go home or stay out. But Riley, when she found out we were heading home, she planted her feet and was determined to stay out as long as she could. Even though she was freezing and shivering. Of course, we won! It was cold!


Carrie Anne said...

coleman makes me laugh so hard & out loud EVERY time i read a story about him. those witch princesses are so darling! i love that you made them...they are so cute! these pictures are so good...i love the fall colors & your children are just darling!

Robin Pedersen said...

#1 Does Riley have a weave? How did her hair get so long?

#2 Maren looks exactly like Coleman in the 3rd picture.

#3 You can see Coleman's whole body language in the Storm Trooper costume. Even without seeing his face, I can tell he is disgusted.

#4 The pictures are GORGEOUS in the fall leaves.

#5 Zack looks awesome. I bet he was proud. His sneakers peaking out just made the costume.

#6 You are in the perfect family to do things over the top. You fit right in.

Sarah said...

Oh Steph~ I feel the same way about Halloween as you do. Glad it is over. However, your kids look so adorable and you ROCKED their costumes. They are getting so big and are so adorable. until next year!!

defrin said...

is good